
Booking Agent : Ricky Biondetti & Federico Zanatta

Ragana is a queer and female two-piece whose members alternate duties on drums, guitar, and vocals to produce some of the most unique and affecting dark music being made today. Originally coming together in the DIY punk scene of Olympia, Washington, and now based in both Olympia and Oakland, Ragana draw upon a number of influences from the flora and fauna of their Pacific Northwest origins to the darkly nostalgic folk of Mt.

Eerie and, yes, their Olympian forebearers Wolves In The Throne Room, synthesizing them into an experimental, highly idiosyncratic take on black metal. Held together by an intense focus on raw emotion and haunting atmospherics, Ragana shifts seamlessly from tender, mesmerizing vocal harmonies to piercing, heart-ripping shrieks and back again. Heavy, dark, beautiful and punishing.




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European talent and artist booking representation