Part Chimp

Booking Agent : Federico Zanatta

In the psychic wastelands of the 21st century, one particular sonic force looms large. Transcendental like the malignant force that fuels the zombie movies of lore, Part Chimp have made it their business to shake speaker-stacks, fry brains and induce jouissance and tinnitus alike across the UK. Yet whilst their legendary status as primal paragons of the riff has been largely a fixture of the vinyl-stacks and battered amps of the underground, Drool – their fifth and perhaps finest transmission thus far – has other ideas.

Drool is everything that makes Part Chimp the most intimidating primate fit to lay waste to a city near you. It’s a fearsome testimony to a band with a skewed melodic skill to match their mighty potency. Echoes of their forebears – the ornery prehistoric lurch of Melvins and the droogy ur-clang of Sonic Youth among them – can be distantly discerned, Yet they’re now drowned out by an individual assault as pulverising as invigorating, nihilistic yet life-affirming. This band will demolish your house, but you’ll cheerfully thank them for it afterwards.

With recording taking place between various studio sojourns across London, New York and Somerset, and the longtime trio of Tim Cedar, Iain Hinchcliffe and Jon Hamilton joined by appearances from both longtime four-stringer Joe McLaughlin and new recruit Robin Freeman, the emphasis here is on capturing the raw energy of the band in its purest form.
Smash together abandon and intent, and what you get is Drool. Drool is where unwise decisions blossom into serendipity. It’s more joy through vacuum-tubed catharsis than you’re entitled to. It’s coming for the hearts and minds of heavy music dropouts everywhere whether they like it or not, so they’d be best advised to pay attention.



Date City Venue Country
26/07/25 London Hackney Whick United Kingdom
Baba Yaga’s Hut 19th Anniversary Party Buy Tickets

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